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The easiest most powerful estimating software for the building industry.

ToolBox Tools and Updates are exclusive to the GTX Turbo program
Listed below are just some of the more major tools in ToolBox in the Turbo version of GTX to help our builders. Throughout the Turbo version there are many other smaller upgrades and "mini tools" that are too numerous to list here. It is important to note that many of the ideas in Turbo have been suggestions from our builders that we thought were good ideas to add for all our builders. ToolBox (where we put all our new tools and updates) is always being added to and improved on each year, making ToolBox more valuable each year....but with no increase in it's yearly subscription. We invite all our builders to participate in QuoteFast's design so we know we are giving you what you want and need. God bless, Paul Moir CEO.
How to cost STEP 1
Live Prices Download
Download 4000 - 5000 Regularly Updated Material Prices.
How to cost STEP 2
How to cost STEP 3
Set The Specs
How to Set The Specs for a Job all on 1 screen
Error Protection
Protects Builders from making errors in their quotes.
Quote Book
Print Easy to read and Understand Client Quote Book
Advanced Client
Get Rid of Tyrekickers
Gives you a 95% accurate Ballpark Estimate 4 x faster
for Tyre Kickers.
Cost multiple Composite
Rates in one trace cutting
quote times by 66% - 75%
Progress Payments
Calculates Progress Payments several different ways for all types of jobs.
Site Assessment Manager takes photos and notes and imports them into GTX Turbo.
When your clients don't have plans...but still want a quote.

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