Some screens in the videos may be slightly different to the actual program as a result of constant upgrading..........but the process will be the same.
There are two versions of the GTX program. The Standard version and the Turbo version. The Turbo version is simply the Standard version plus ToolBox. ToolBox is where we add all the yearly updates and new features. Turbo is of course, as its very name implies, faster more powerful and easier to quote jobs. With over 8 years of constant improvements, Turbo is the version most of our builders use. The quoting process for both versions is essentially the same, with the 3 STEP system. Turbo simply has more and easier features including the GRT program to Get Rid of Tyrekickers. It is interesting to note that approx 85% of all improvements made over the past 5 years have come from our builders, so clearly Turbo is even more user friendly than the GTX Standard. Turbo also has all the features of the Builder's Errror Protection Package as detailed in another video on this website. GTX works best on Windows computers, but also runs well on Mac computers that run Windows software as well, usually with Parallel Desktops. Please be aware that no Windows program, including QuoteFast, will run on an iPAD or Samsung tablet as they have different operating systems.
Costing is simply a 3 STEP process.
STEP 1 Select a job type and cost a template of common items you would expect to find in that type of job.
STEP 2 Cost the major item such as slabs, floors, walls, roofs, patios etc., as well as all Renovation work.
STEP 3 Takes the bare shells of rooms costed in Step 2 and fits them out into Bathrooms, Kitchens, Laundries and Bedrooms etc.